Nov 27, 2007



(for those of you who haven't read Stephen King's Dark Tower series, those questions will mean nothing to you)

You are looking at a spiny lobster (they are technically crayfish). But not just any spiny lobster--one that is five times larger than he should be (see the bottom photo).

Meet Poseidon. He was caught in a fisherman's net, but is now destined for retirement in a display aquarium. He is two feet long, and more than nine pounds in weight. That's a lot of garlic butter, my friends.

I'm going to try to hook my brother up with this woman. I'm impressed by anyone who can heft an oversized lobster and stare it down (and smile while doing so).

Article source: Daily Mail


Puddnik said...


You're killin' me over here! I was thisclose to being busted at work, laughing out loud.

Not gunslinger material, mindya.

Arachnophile said...

A man could certainly do worse than to pick his life-mate based on her ability to manhandle inverts. ;)

Sometimes being oversized is a sign of a nasty parasite. I'm sure that's not the case here because this is just too nice a story.

Anonymous said...

Awesome DT reference! made my day :D

Raging Wombat said...

I'm so glad some of you go the reference.

Arachnophile said...

This makes me WANT to read that series now. All the "cool kids" are doing it. ;)

killerisation said...

Wow i dont think ive ever seen anything thats 'more than nine pounds in length' before!

Anonymous said...

So this is what those digit-snipping suckers look like! Starting my third read of the DT series and these pics are great visuals. Maybe this guy is just myostatin deficient.... arr arr

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm....the article says people want him back in the sea...I'd like him in my belly with some brown butter and mashed potatoes!!! 9.25lbs of lobster...that's what I'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

These guys aren't actually crayfish... They're more closely related to hairy and slipper lobsters than to true lobsters, which, unlike these guys, have pincers and are, in fact, technically crayfish.

Raging Wombat said...

Thanks, PousazPower.

Nonexistant Black Feather said...

lobstrosity! I would definitely try to keep my hands to myself!

Firefly said...

YAY! Dark Tower Refrence!