Mar 4, 2007

Humbling Art

This is a bit of a deviation from my normal post. What you see below isn't ugly or animal. This art was formed using maggots dipped in paint and then let loose on a canvas. I'll let you stew on that for a while.

I'll admit that I am very disheartened that maggots are more accomplished artists than myself. This blog can be very humbling.

For a video of how it's done, click this.

Thanks for the link, Joe.

UPDATE: Denita TwoDragons has found out that this process does no harm to the maggot, aside from a bit of humiliation.

Photos from


Arachnophile said...

Uhm... does this label me as completely mad if I ask, "Doesn't the paint hurt the maggots?"

I can't help it, it's what first came to mind. ;) Yes, even maggots. *roll eyes at self*

AngelaRae said...

I, too, despite my aversion to the wee maggots, was concerned for their safety. Hopefully it's non-toxic paint! I can't believe I just typed that....

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is like a whole new spin on Magritte's surrealism! Maggotritte!

morgan said...

That's very pretty--it kind of reminds me of Chinese calligraphy.

Anonymous said...

As was explained at another site, the paint is harmless watercolor, completely non-toxic and safe even larvae.

I have to admit, the pictures are quite pretty. But I'd still be hesitant to TOUCH them...


Anonymous said...

only who is the artist here? the rather lazy humanoid who dipped the critters in paint? or the critters who take that paint and, crawl (squirm?) with it?

Arachnophile said...

Well, is it like the pictures you can buy from zoos that were painted by chimps or elephants? Mind you, in those cases the animal choses the color 'n such. The lady doing the dipping actually does a lot. She decides the colors and placement the truly oganic factor though is where the little squirmers decide to squiggle. :)

It's kind of a cool synthesis really. Thanks for looking more deeply than I did Denita. Is this the same TwoDragons of Cute Overload fame? I'm Wolfwhocriedboy there. :) Good to see ya. *cyber wave* :D

Anonymous said...

I would totally buy one of these. What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

That's me alright, Arachnophile Who Cried boy! ;-) But...fame? Yer flatterin' me! That'll get you a tall glass of iced tea around my house...*grin*

*cyber waves back!*
