Enjoy these dewy photos. Makes me thankful I've got a roof over my head. Also makes me thankful that we've got photographers like Miroslaw Swietek to capture such images.
Mar 31, 2010
Mar 30, 2010
Camouflaged Spread
Jaden sent us this link from ThisBlogRules.com. Enjoy this spread of camouflaged creatures, including a crab spider, a scorpion fish, a stone fish, and an orchid mantis. Thanks, Jaden.
Mar 29, 2010
Photo source: Tim Marshall

Mar 28, 2010
Lot O' Slug
You're not looking at some screenshots from a poor man's version of The Abyss. You're looking at photos taken by Rachel and her fiance while on vacation at Marco Island, FL.
Mar 27, 2010
Side-Neck Turtle
Enjoy this side-necked turtle sent to us from Pamela. Imagine it coming after your toes as you swim across a placid stream...
Mar 26, 2010
Those Eyes
Monkey face, monkey hair, monkey hands. But those eyes. So human. He looks so pensive, so contemplative. I wonder what he's thinking about. His captivity? How nice it is not to have to worry about being eaten by a jungle cat? Bananas? Throwing his feces?
Mar 25, 2010
Content Croc
Photo source: Riverbank Outdoor Store

Mar 24, 2010
Intrepid Caterpillars
Photo source: University of Hawaii via LA Times

Mar 23, 2010
Vampire Feeding
Katie took these amazing photos in the night enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. You get one guess as to what these vampires bats are drinking from the bowls.

Mar 22, 2010
Uroplatus fimbriatus
Photo source: Nicolas CegalerbaIt's a stretch to call geckos, even these Uroplatus fimbriatus, flat-tailed geckos, ugly. But they are reptiles, and they do lick their own enormous eyeballs. That's a good start. Another test I run on any prospective ugly: would my daughters scream at seeing one clambering up their bedroom wall? Yes, they would.
Mar 21, 2010
Freshwater Fears
I've gone scuba diving in kelp forests, in the Red Triangle with 10-foot visibility and 5-foot surges, and in wrecks that were deep enough to give me nitrogen narcosis. But for some reason I freak out at the notion of getting into bodies of freshwater. Images like the one below don't help.
Mar 20, 2010
Skinny and Baldwin
I'm always impressed by pet owners who submit their own pets to this blog. They understand what it's all about. We celebrate their ugliness, we revel in it, we offer them up as as a counterbalance to all the sugary cuteness you find out there. It doesn't take much effort to fall in love with a puppy or a kitten. It takes a bit more to love a hairless rodent.
Mar 19, 2010
Withered Skittle
A couple of people turned in images of this bug to WhatsThatBug, and I can understand why. It looks like something that fell out of my uncle's belly button. How do you possibly identify something like that?
Mar 18, 2010
Alligator Spear
Mar 17, 2010
Monkeys are severely underrated when it comes to hairdos. Take this critically endangered southern-bearded sakis monkey for instance. He comes equipped with two ends upon which to sit.
Mar 16, 2010
Robberfly vs. Dragonfly
Photo source: Thomas Shahan (opoterser)

Mar 15, 2010
Means and Propriety
Photo source: Hauke Steinberg

Mar 14, 2010
Plush Spider
Photo source: Ge van 't Hoff

Mar 13, 2010
A Stroll Through the Jungle
Photo courtesy: Sean McCann

Mar 12, 2010
The First Instar
I had no idea that Madagascar hissing cockroaches ... issued their young like this. They're just spilling out of her!