Mar 1, 2009

Papa Elephant Seal

That penguin's got it about right. You've gotta respect papa elephant seal. I want my kids to look up to me like this. And I'll do what I have to do, even if it takes me gaining hundreds of pounds and eating only fish and cephalopods.

I wonder how close this bull is to the infamous 'catastrophic molt' that Northern elephant seals are known for. It happens during the summer, and involves them losing much of their fur and skin. They then loll about the beaches and wait for new fur and skin to grow in.

I would hate to be the guy in charge of cleaning up that beach once the seals go on their way.


The Gravekeeper said...

I don't think the mrs would care for your new "rotting fish 24/7" breath, though.

Raging Wombat said...

Yeah, she doesn't care much for fish to begin with.

Jessica Olin said...

I thought it was a picture of the penguin at first, the elephant seal is so fake looking.

Anonymous said...

Just think...if you gained a couple hundred pounds you could go on disability, stay home from the nuclear power plant, wear a moo-moo, and wash your fat-guy hat.

Raging Wombat said...

I can't say that's not tempting. There probably isn't an article of clothing more comfortable than a moo-moo. It's almost worth becoming a social pariah.