Aug 10, 2010

Just because you're little doesn't mean you don't have AWESOME teeth

This deep-sea dragonfish from the waters around Australia, one of the creatures surveyed as part of the Census of Marine Life, even has teeth on its tongue. As so neatly put by our friends at The Guardian, "It would be a terrifying animal if it was not the size of a banana."

Wombat (No Relation)


LucidLilith said...


thanh n said...

So cool! I wonder what it uses those teeth on the tongue for...

Anonymous said...

I feel very happy while im entering your post.I really enjoy to visit this type of post.Than k you for your nice post.Good job keep going..


laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

yikes!! not surprising they're from australia! if i lived there, i don't think i'd EVER venture near the water...

Anonymous said...

And you thought your cat's tongue was rough...

wombat said...
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wombat said...

I think if I lived in Australia I'd never even leave the house. It turns out, even my fellow wombats can't be trusted.

Net Lease Properties said...

Living in south florida I can relate. A barracuda can be small and tear up skin. Great artwork here.

April Lorier said...

Note to self: don't kiss THIS fish!