Jul 9, 2008

Ugly Bug Faces

Dark Roasted Blend has a fantastic spread of ugly bug faces (are there any other kind of bug faces? -- that's a rhetorical and inciteful question, you bug lovers). A lot of them were taken by an electron microscope, and I recommend you check them out.

Here are some of the others. Please welcome the Antlion (aka doodlebug) for her debut on Ugly Overload. And then, of course, we have the ever-popular house centipede.

Thanks for the link, Mary, Annica, and Lee Ann.


  1. ah, ant lions- i remember when i was but a wee lass and my cousin taught me how to catch these darlings with live bait- those were the days

  2. AnonymousJuly 09, 2008

    More often than not...your site gives me the willies.

  3. The house centipede has a very non-centipede-like face. Strange.

  4. Then I have done my job, Danielle.

  5. Antlions... Hours of my life have been spent on my belly watching these guys at work. We actually got to study them in field school. Utterly fascinating.


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