Jul 10, 2008

Fishing Spider Carries Egg Sac

Here's some shots of a massive fishing spider from Australia. She's a soon-to-be mother, as indicated by the egg sac she is carrying around.

When mommy isn't busy being a taxi for the egg sac, she can be found floating on the surface of ponds and streams. Each of her legs is pretty uniform in length, which allows for her to spread her weight evenly when she ventures out on the water. From there she can do the whole lurking thing and plunge beneath the surface to grab a tadpole, small fish, or water insect. Or human soul.

Thanks for the link, Ida.

Photo source: Nuytsia@Tas


  1. Thank u só much for making it impossible for me to get a night's rest...

  2. AnonymousJuly 10, 2008

    A while ago I had a big cellar spider with an egg sac in my room x_x

  3. @ Hyony - What did you do??!!

  4. AnonymousJuly 10, 2008

    Yup, That is way up there on the Ugly Meter! Lookin good! You are the man!

  5. AnonymousJuly 11, 2008

    I used a spider catcher to catch her and put her out in the garden.

  6. @ Hyony - You are so brave! I would just stand there and wet myself...

  7. AnonymousJuly 12, 2008

    It is the destroyer of worlds!

  8. I'm so pumped to see this spider here. You know how much I love all of our 8-legged friends but fishers were some of the first spiders that captured my imagination as a child.

    I became a monster. ;)

  9. You disturb me, Arachnophile.

  10. AnonymousJuly 02, 2012

    I found an ugly spider carrying her eggs like that this morning, but I live in Connecticut. Is it possible??


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