Mar 9, 2008

The Bug for You

If you're looking into becoming an invert owner, and cockroaches and centipedes just don't cut it for you, you might want to look into getting your hands on some Domino roaches.

But there's a catch: they're very rare in the US. Jade just might be your best source for them.

Domino roaches (Therea petiveriana) are docile and and easy to work with. The complication with breeding them is that their breeding cycles are 9 months long, and they take a year to mature. They live to be about 4-5 years old.

So, if you're patient, and are really itching to get your hands on some rare roaches, these just might be the bug for you.

Thanks for the photos and the info, Jade.


  1. technically, if they are not a native species for the US, it is illegal to ship them across a state line without a permit.

  2. membracid- I've been in the hobby for 11 years now and never heard that before. That said, they are illegal in a few states (Florida being the main one).

    These guys have become my favorite roach. I really love their pattern and shape. They're actually cute! :)

  3. For the record, I won't be selling these for several years. I want to establish my colony first. I had to pay $10 each for them, so I didn't order to many at first (only two dozen).

  4. these are so cool! i never thot i'd say that about a cockroach, but i really do like them!

  5. Yeah, anything that has the potential to establish itself as a pest is either regulated by USDA or USFW.

    You can read more about the relevant laws here:

    Several people have been arrested, and several pet species have established themselves. Being careful is a good idea!

  6. Okay. These are roaches. These are actually very cute roaches. Are there pigs flying somewhere?

    Sherry at SofN

  7. Those are really cute, and almost ... Pretty ...? But they look small. I like my inverts HUGE :)

  8. That blank, velvety looking facial area sorta creeps me out. Love the white spots though.

    They may be roaches, but they're trying their best not to be too horrifying. I appriciate that.

  9. Those are pretty kool, unlike the cockroaches and centipedes that crawled out of Satan's own ass.

  10. Lol, blessedj, that was totally lol worthy. :)

  11. They are using their white spots to scare predators off:

    (scroll down)

  12. These are pretty cute for crunchy bugs. ^^

  13. I know this blog is a few years old now, but I just got my hands on a pair of these tiny, but cute, crunchy critters (with a few nymphs thrown in as well) and I want to know what the best set up & care is for them. Any help or pointers in the right direction is welcomed and appreciated.




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