Sep 20, 2007

Mocking Me

K mocked my fear of the garden spider by going macro-happy. Say hello to K's orb weaver. I had no idea they were this freaky, but what do you expect to see when you look this close at the underbelly of evil?

Thanks for the photos, K. Now I'm even more afraid.


  1. What BEAUTIFUL shots! That first picture is a great example of why spiders have always entranced me. I love that suspended dance of of deadly grace that is The Spider, whilst spinning.

    Love EET!

    Keep up the photography K, and the friendly mockery. ;p

  2. Wow, K, you are awesome. The first thought that came to mind though, was this guy hanging from your septum ring. Like a web leash.

  3. pkeli and aracnophile:

    Thanks a bunch!! I get more and more fascinated with spiders every time I see em. I have a load of really good ones on my "pet" wolf spider in my website.

    It's a shame not everyone can appreciate the spider, even if they dont like em crawling around. I intend to change people's minds about them.

  4. Good luck in changing Wombat's mind about spiders, although I'm certain that deep, VERY DEEP down inside he knows how cool they are...

  5. Awesome pix! Spidey's coloring is extraordinary, kind of like a cathedral window. I'm still glad I'm too big for it to eat!

  6. I'm afraid these photos only increase my fear of spiders. I do know they're cool, I know they're useful, but such knowledge fails to comfort me when I walk face-first into one of their webs.

  7. sorry to hear it, Wombat. Just don't squish em. The common grass spider (the ones that build little tunnel webs EVERYWHERE) eats over 80 mosquitoes a day. Wolf spiders dispatch roaches, mosquitoes, carpenter ants, gypsy moths, earwigs, silverfish, centipedes...basically, they sweep up what WILL hurt you. And these little orb weavers? They have some of the most awe inspiring webs on the planet, able to spin silk that, pound for pound, is stronger than a steel cable.

    Also consider that we could have another Silent Spring on our hands without spiders. They eat mosquitoes, which carry loads of disease (WNV in particular), and the mosquitos bite birds and mammals...without the spiders to control mosquitoes, there would be no more birds. And nor more creatures that eat birds. Which is....everything. Including us.

    I'm not saying you hafta like em- just show em some respect and kindness when they decided to come in your home!


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