Sep 21, 2007

Check Your Can

I try to take my garbage cans to the curb during the daylight hours. That way I can see any spiders that might be lurking on the handles (and I've found quite a few, so my fears are warranted!).

But I would have to add a kevlar vest, a welder's shield, and butcher's gloves to my routine if I had to contend with the coconut crab. I can't get enough of these monsters. I wonder if they make for good guard crabs. I'm sure they need less attention than a dog.

Thanks for the photo, Tyrel.

UPDATE: I have spurned one of my readers, for which I must apologize. Frigga had linked to this image in a comment on my original coconut crab. I am sorry, Frigga--I hadn't seen that link. (This is me giving you the credit you deserve!).


  1. I would like believe that is not real. I almost jumped out of my seat.

  2. Dear Lord! What is that?

  3. YES!!! This is the coconut crab photo that frigga included in the last coconut crab post as a link from a Finnish photo site. I'm pretty sure if I saw this I'd just check myself into a psych ward. Halucinations aren't fun when they're this big...

  4. given that coconut crabs aren't rare...and have basically stayed the same for all of human existance...why is it only recently they've gained all this popularity (not only here but throughout the inter-tubes)? O_O I for one would be happier if they hadn't.

    Well, perhaps not. But they ARE frightening.

  5. Talk about an infestation!

  6. Yea duh, I was dumb not to send the picture to Wombat directly, now someone else got all the fame :D

    Must search some more uglies, then.

  7. If I could teach one to take out the trash like that, I'd get one ;)

  8. I would have had a heart attack or fainted if I'd gone out to my garbage can and saw this. I almost had one just looking at the picture! EEEEEEEEE!

  9. Sorry about that frigga! I only noticed you had posted that picture AFTER I had sent it to Wombat. Oops!

  10. Somebody's throwing out a perfectly good monster crab.

  11. Holy crap! That other photo does NOT even show how big those things are! Good lord.
    I was under the impression that they weren't all that big, but dang! Was I wrong!
    I'd crap all over myself if I saw that thing clinging onto my garbage can.
    I wonder how they taste though...

  12. Oh nose that's perfectly all right tyrel! I should have added lots of ;););););)'s after my post.

    We all here have a common goal so it's not so much about who finds the uglies but who has the courage to bring them forth and there Wombat has done a great job :)

  13. HOLY COW!! Ok...I have to go change my panties now...(sigh)

  14. You know what, giant crab? You can have the garbage can. I don't want it anymore.


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