Oct 13, 2006

UK Abomination

Mick sent this photo in, straight from his yard to his camera to you. I take some comfort in knowing that abominable garden spiders (click on the photo for a closer look) don't only reside on my property. No, these creepies are also found in the UK. How does one say 'heebie-jeebies' in British?


  1. Yes isn't that just a common garden spider?? I see them all the time. ( I live in the UK)

  2. yeah, they appear to be taking over the uk entirely... eeeeviiillll.

  3. heebie-jeebies is still heebie-jeebies here...

    and its not "british" its /English/....

  4. I know you don't speak 'British'! It was just a poot attempt at humor.


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