Oct 12, 2006

No Accounting for Taste

Spluch posted on this photo and dug up some interesting factoids about the proboscis monkey. For instance: both sexes have prominent noses, with the male's being larger. Females seek out males with larger schnozes, and the sentiment is returned. Small nosed she-monkeys need not climb this boy's tree.

What evolutionary advantage does the large nose offer these primates? I have no idea. Then again, what does a desire to eat dirt offer my toddler? Who knows. There is just no accounting for taste.

Thanks for the photo, Spluch.


  1. I imagine that he would make a funny sound if you squeezed his nose. So would you, after he bit off some of your digits.

  2. I would have to agree with raging wombat. Hilarious.

  3. hmm.. so size does count..

  4. proboscis monkey? i don't think so. scrotum monkey is more like it.

  5. That is an ape I hope to never encounter.

  6. I actually find it quite cute~ <3

  7. Looks like my former wife!

  8. I wonder if the other monkeys would make fun of the Proboscis monkeys.
    I think they look like sweet creatures.

  9. Looking at the comments on this thread, I'd say the other monkeys are making fun of the Proboscis monkey...

  10. That last one stings! Ouch.

  11. AnonymousMay 04, 2007

    Barbra Streisand's hairy twin?

  12. i have worked with proboscis monkeys, this is a terrible picture!!! they are very adorable and loving, they love swimming, horse play, hugs, and kisses. i would give my life to save these creatures, dont be cruel!!!!!

    ~Proboscis Monkey luver <3!


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