Nov 11, 2009

Caught Between Lemur and Monkey

Tarsiers have the distinction of being an intermediate form between lemurs and monkeys. Like lemurs, they have an excellent sense of smell and are nocturnal. Like monkeys, though, their nose is dry and hairy.

(I think my toddler son falls somewhere in this category, though probably closer to lemurs. Lately he's been way too nocturnal, and his nose is very moist from a cold he's had from the past day or two.)

Why are the tarsier's eyes so large? Most likely because, though they are nocturnal, they lack the reflective membrane that most nocturnal creatures have in their eyes. Why the long fingers? All the better to wring your neck with.


Sabina E. said...


Sproglet said...

If we had eyeballs of the same ratio to our body size as the tarsier they would be roughly a pint each in volume (568ml)


Anonymous said...
شات عيونك

Anonymous said...

That last one must be from the Jersey shore, with the guido necklace and all. Bet he drives an IROC.

Scotsman said...

From these photographs they look like they are in a permanent state of shock. I might be too if I had to spend my life crawling around trees looking like that. :)

Unknown said...

I think that they are cute!

Catzi Kay said...

Not ugly at all! Super cute!

Chakrabongse said...

Why is there a metal chain around its neck?

Unknown said...

Why would anyone want to pet the grumpy critter in the 3rd pic? Yikes, good thing looks can't kill.

susq. said...

they're so adorable. :)
I start to laugh everytime I see theese.. can't help it.. they look so hilarious :DD

the Lady of Dragonwood said...

It's Gollum, with fur!

Walk this way said...

thats gunna give me nightmares.... :(

Graygrrrl said...

These guys would be great conversationalists. Everything you say would shock and amaze them!

Internet Profits Network, LLC said...

Great Vids! Those eyes are reduc!

gegeh said...

they're so cute on their two large eyes!!! ...

not me said...

awww theyre adorableee

Earl said...

We have a lot of these here at home. Probably the main feature when it comes to tourism here. Thanks for featuring it here in your blog.

E said...

not to be fed after midnight...

SmallestCobra said...

The third picture where it's angry made me wish he was my pet.

Margaret T said...

we call this one "mutit"

TakeABreathGirl said...

I LOVE this! How cute is it, in a weird, ugly, freaky kind of way? It just makes me want to go "Awwwww" and give ut a little hug.

Great blog.



dewGN said...

good Amazing one.

Anonymous said...

eww that thing is nasty. Its like a freaking monster. lol. its eyes are the size of a freaking always looks like its about to jump somebody.

quaint proper blogger said...

hugs and giggles

One Woman's Thoughts said...

OOH MY! What BIG eyes you have said Red riding hood.

Nicole said...

I think they are just hyped up on caffeine. I can sometimes look like this when I have had too much coffee, too!