Mar 13, 2008

Circle of Life

Do we really need to know the backstory here? I think we all can assume that the baboon is at fault, and probably deserves what's coming to him.

The baboon doesn't look pleased, and I don't know if he got enough of a headstart on Mufasa. If it's any comfort to the monkey, Elton John once told me that this is just the Circle of Life. And a lion's gotta eat just like everyone else. I'm sure that's exactly what's going through the baboon's mind right now.


Anonymous said...

I smell a set up for a photo opportunity, and that's fucked up.

Anonymous said...

i dunno, the lion looks pretty tired...

Anonymous said...

I think the lion is yawning while running. >->

Jenn said...

I'm thinking photoshop. Is there enough distance between these two images to explain the size difference?

It's done well, and I love the lion's expression!

Zack2k said...

Oh my, don't ever mess with the circle of life, or the lion will eat you!

Anonymous said...

Huh. Poor baboon.

Raging Wombat said...

Jenn, the depth of field looks pretty deep in this photo. I imagine they're not as close as they appear.

Anonymous said...

I think this has been tinkered with-- with as furry as a lion is, his mane seems pretty "tight" (moussed? gelled?), and his shadow seems overshadowed by green nearest the baboon. Even the fuzzy monkey seems quite self-contained.
That being said, still a great photo, with the baboon thinking, "Must. Run. Faster."

Anonymous said...

I bet Rafiki just whacked Simba on the head one time too many and Simba is sick of his monkeying around and decided it's time to eat the darn baboon. "Come 'ere blue butt!"

I definitely hear a score by Hans Zimmer in the background. Soon to be followed by an Elton John song.... Maybe Chow Down is in order...

Unknown said...

Oh, Aslan was just hamming for the camera! *LOL!*
