Apr 6, 2010

Peltless and Cold

The Sphynx cat as an official breed comes to us from the 1960s. They are a relatively new breed, known for their intelligence and extroverted natures.

Sphynxes aren't truly hairless. Instead, think of peach fuzz when you think of these felines' skin. Still, their lack of a pelt makes for warm skin, but a cold kitty. They need to snuggle a fair amount to keep warm. So, if you're wanting an intelligent, friendly cat who's obligated to snuggle you, this breed may be the one for you. Of course, with millions of unwanted cats and kittens on the planet, you might find a hairy one that suits you just fine.

Photo source: Mario Izquierdo


  1. I've played with these hairless cats. they are very sweet and affectionate!!

  2. I would love to have one of these cats as cat hair all over the house would make me batty. They're so ugly they're cute. I think I would name mine "Alien."

  3. That's got to be just about the scariest thing I've ever seen...

  4. Gross. I'm sure they're affectionate,loyal animals that make superb pets but I really have trouble with animals that feel like, well...a raw kielbasa...


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