Jan 1, 2010


Most of us will reach for toilet paper today. This is just to keep you alert. And afraid.


  1. ugghh..... once i stayed in a village in northeastern India and i went into the bathroom to take a bath... and there were two HUGE spiders near the shower faucet. I was too afraid to turn on the water so I didn't bath that day.

  2. Ah come on, look at how big and clumsy it looks... It's kind of cute. It's the golden retriever of spiders!

  3. She's just saying hello! lol

    If my poor husband saw this beauty looking at him, it'd take me a week to peel him off the ceiling.

  4. He's adorable! I want one for my bathroom! oh wait, I share that bathroom....

  5. Nervavels, if you had that spider, I doubt many people would WANT to share your bathroom. Even if they had to go down the street to use another one!

  6. I think I would have to move! I would rather have a bat in my house than huge spiders.

  7. Ironically, seeing this spider is the very thing that would make you need toilet paper.

  8. I would run from the bathroom screaming. I don't care for spiders and especially don't like big ones!

  9. I will never look at a roll of toilet paper the same way again.

  10. BTW, I don't know the exact species, but from the shape of the legs I know it's a giant crab spider, the family is called Sparassidae.

  11. size does NOT matter with spiders... they have 8 legs, you have two. Be grateful for the andrenal-fed glands "fight or flight" reaction because that's all that saves us! Me? I'd scream like a teenage cheerleader on helium, bat it away with whatever implement was handy and THEN run from the room.... and, yes, find a bathroom down the road from then on to use! (EW!.... and strangely cool....0,o*)

  12. funkymonkeyJanuary 11, 2010

    Well, the good news is that bites members of the Sparassidae usually aren't dangerous (read: fatal). Still, probably best to leave such a beasie be, or perhaps carefully locate it to a less critical location.

  13. Please tell me what part of the world this photo is from so that I can relax. :)

  14. That's true funkymonkey. In fact, the vast majority of spiders pose absolutely no risk at all to humans. You can get a sore red spot from a lot of them (I know from experience :p), but it's only slightly more than a handful of species that can cause actual tissue damage.

    You can play with them, it's cool :p

    I made a post about spider danger here, if anyone cares to read:


  15. YAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!! If I find one like that in my toilet I'll have a massive heart attack.

  16. It seems Clock Spider is moving into new territories. Is nowhere safe from it's insidious mind control powers?

  17. Translocate it "to a better location"???

    Man, if I saw this thing, I'd sure "locate" it fast.... under my shoe! Wham! While the thing is still sitting up there looking at me.


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