Oct 29, 2009

Gratuitous Gators and Crocs

I thought you all could use a gratuitous spread of crocodiles and alligators. Whether you consider them 'living fossils,' the bane of Captain Hook, or a platform from which to launch a dazzling TV career, these creatures might one day offer up profound medical advances (how do these oft-wounded swamp dwellers heal so well?).

Until then, they'll continue to be objects of conservation and curiosity, nuisances on Floridian golf courses, and the inspiration for myriad logos and mascots. And, of course, the stuff of nightmares.


  1. Nooooo, not the stuff of nightmares! The babies are cute and the adults are gorgeous! <3 your posts on reptiles, as always.

  2. Wha...? It looks like that one has moss growing in his mouth.

  3. I love these reptiles! I sat in the Alligator Park as a child in El Paso, then encountered them in the swamps when I moved to Arkansas. Love the photo of the "free ride"!

  4. Myrtle Beach has a great alligator park/exhibit. I loved spending time there as a child watching these beautiful creatures. Although, I think if one is too close to my golf ball on the course, he can have it!!

  5. Bwahahahaha!!! Dream match come true, shark vs. croc! Croc 1, Shark Owned!


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