Oct 4, 2009

Giant Slime Star

Ever wondered what would happen if a jellyfish mated with a sea star? I haven't. But if I had, this is probably what I would have come up with: a large, gelatinous star. This echinoderm, is known as the hymenaster sea star, or giant slime star, and it gets to be about a foot across.

Really, if you're going to do the whole jelly thing, why not be giant too? Then again, given my lack of true biology training, this could be an ulcerous stomach recently removed from a corpse for all I know. I'll have to take Christopher's word for it.

Thanks for the star, Christopher.


  1. Didn't H P Lovecraft warn us about these?

  2. Somehow, the fact that it's sitting on a styrofoam meat-packing tray makes it all the more nauseating...

  3. Denita stole my comment. ;)

  4. Wow--that is... glorious!

  5. This looks like something that might fall on the floor of a surgery gone bad! Yuck!!!

  6. I is sorry, Betsy! You c'n haves it back... :-)

  7. Bound for the Japanese Meat Market for $200 per pound


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