Sep 23, 2009

If I Only Had a Brain, Heart, Bones, and Eyes...

Little is known about the granrojo jellyfish (discovered in 2003). It's one of the largest jellies, coming in at 2-3 feet across (which isn't as monstrous as I was hoping), and they live at depths of 600 - 1500 meters. They're the only described member of their genus. Despite having no heart, brains, eyes, or bones (I sense a remake of the Wizard of Oz here...), they are avid hunters.

Notice something unusual about jelly, as compared to most others? Where are the dangly arms? They've traded them in for a thick 'oral arms'. I suggest staying clear of anything, even abyssal ones, that have oral arms. Nothing good can come from encountering one.

Thanks for the article, Theodosia and Chris.

Photo source:


  1. Anyone else seeing a Metroid here??

  2. I'm seeing a metrosexual, but I don't think that's the same thing.

  3. Hey, I'm really not that Anonymous.

  4. Me, amanda, I see a Metroid too!


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