Aug 3, 2009

Squinty-eyed Tarsier

Photo source: Jack Jacob
The only thing worse than a wide-eyed tarsier is a squinty-eyed tarsier. Add in that white-knuckled strangle grip on the branch, and you've got a recipe for a Madagascar variant on Gremlins.

Don't feed them after midnight, and don't assume your clock is telling the right time. They're clever little beasts.


  1. If you can't find them after midnight when can you feed them? It's always after midnight.

  2. In those evil eyes you can just see its lust for global conquest.

  3. I wonder what happens when you get them wet? They glare at you with a vengeful stare? They duplicate? They MELT?!

  4. My preeeeeciouuuuussss.....

  5. I think it just looks like it needs a nap! it is so ugly it is cute. I want one for a pet!

  6. i want one as well!! too bad the government does not allow them to be pets. you can visit them at bohol, philippines and will see them clinging like that on trees.

  7. Tarsier can be found in Bohol, Philippines - as one of their main tourist attraction.
    Thanks, bohol tours


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