Jun 16, 2009

Snakehead: It's What's For Dinner

Jelo, of the Philippines, has been thinking of snakehead fish lately. Not because of the disputed appearance of this predatory and voracious hunter in England. No, it's because he just ate one.

I hope it was good eating, Jelo. Breaded? Grilled? Barbecued? ... raw...with the head on...staring at you?


  1. AnonymousJune 18, 2009

    I've had snakehead fish in vietnam before. It really is good, kinda like catfish. They deep-fry it until it's really crisp and then they serve it with a sweetish-sour-savory-hot dipping sauce.

  2. Wow. That sounds so, so delicious.

  3. They deep-fry it, huh? Don't get me wrong, but you can serve me a hamster deep-fried, and I'd more than likely eat it. Viva la deep-frying. On the other hand, eww, ugly fish. Are those the ones that can also technically walk across land with their arm flippers, or am I thinking of something else. . . or did I nightmare that fish up?

  4. I googled this fish and yep, sucker can "walk" using its fins. Probably does that to mug people...

  5. He can have my wallet. Unless I had a deep fryer on hand...

  6. Y'all snakehead eaters come to the southeastern US and chow down.

    They've been introduced into some natural waterways here via fish hobbyists and are, in true snakehead fashion eating everything they can run down

  7. AnonymousJune 20, 2009

    Snakeheads are smart fishes. My channa pulchra pretty much recognizes me and will approach eagerly for food, even eat out of my hand occasionally. She also has the saddest looking face ever!

  8. i looked this up because its deep fried at my dinner table looking like a zombie as we speak! hmmm... yumm?


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