Dec 31, 2008

One-eyed Willy the Rescued Dog

I don't get to contribute much in terms of my own photography to this site, so I thought I'd close out the year with a couple of shots of my own.

Say hello to Willy the One-eyed Chihuahua. My brother-in-law, Dave, and his wife, Kitty, are Willy's proud owners. He is a rescue dog, and he has two fellow rescued Chihuahuas for companions, though only Willy sports an empty eye socket.

No one knows how Willy lost his eye, since he came that way when he was adopted. Legends and tales abound, however. Dave made the mistake of telling our nieces that Willy misbehaved once, so Dave poked his eye out. Four-year-olds tend to believe that kind of stuff, and now most of the nieces and nephews look at Dave askance, despite our attempts to correct them.

Much like Willy's missing eye, the history of the breed is clouded in speculation and theory. There is no doubt that the proto-Chihuahua is from pre-Columbian Mexico, but beyond that all we have is educated guesses. It probably comes from the Techichi, contemporary to the ancient Toltecs, and was probably around before Mayan times. Their remains were found in a pyramid in Cholula. Christopher Columbus commented on the dog in one of his letters to the king of Spain. The Chihuahua's progenitors were larger then, but still small.

This is a plug for adopting rescue animals. There're lots out there. If you're looking for a good companion animal and can't decide where to go, start with a reputable shelter or rescue organization. Reputable, people. There are lots of animal hoarders out there.

Have a Happy New Year.


  1. We've got a sweet little pit bull korgi mix. Got him from the pound. I definitely recommend getting dogs from pounds and shelters. I had to bring my big sunglasses the day we got him because going to places like that always makes me cry....Anyway, good for your family for doing that. I'm going to try to only get animals from shelters from now on.

  2. He looks like he's winking, which is kinda cute. You sure you posted this on the right blog?

  3. Very cute! I've never seen a chubby Chihuahua! He looks better than most!

  4. Danielle: pit bull *KORGI* mix? What an odd combo...

    I'm not a fan of chihuahuas, I confess. (Unpleasant memories of a great-aunt's evil Nero.) However, I offer a standing ovation to Dave and Kitty for adopting a dog that many would consider unadoptable because he was "flawed." Best of luck to Dave for convincing the nieces he's not a Bad Man for poking out Willy's eye!

  5. Rah rah for adopting rescue dogs. Both Goblin and Ghost are rescue Great Danes who suffered greatly at the hands of their original owners. When you think about adopting, don't just think small. ::grin::

  6. After growing up with purebred goldens, I decided to go to the Humane Society for my first dog. Rosie is just as loving as a golden, but smarter and easier to train. Hurray for mixed breeds!

  7. I too have a one eyed rescued dog.. Her name is Pebbles but my grand niece calls her Winky. Help who you can when you can I say.

  8. Petfinder is great place to start.

    I have a chihuahua and a rat terrier/chi mix, both found on Petfinder.

    Adopt a dog!

  9. Cats and small animals are in shelters and rescues too, so don't forget them! Rescuing is the way to go for all animal companions.
    I love Willy, and his empty socket, the special needs tykes are always the ones that get to me the most.
    Lucky Willy. Kudos to his wonderful humans.

  10. You realize that some of the spiders you've posted here are probably bigger than Willy?

    He is a cutie, even sans one eye - glad he found a good home!

  11. I know this post is really, really old, but I have a female chihuahua that looks JUST like him.. and she might have to lose that same eye :(. What a coincidence!

  12. I know this post is 4 years old, but I have a female chihuahua that looks JUST like him and she might have to lose the same eye.. Creepily coincidental.


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