Nov 28, 2008

Apply the Logic

Photo source: -k- pix
I said yesterday that you are what you eat. Then why do I feel like this pig today?

What does that mean anyway, you are what you eat? If you apply that logic to what you ate, then if you ate a pig, and the pig was what he ate, then you'd be slop. Extending that logic out to its extreme, then aren't we all just sunlight, water, and a smattering of elements?

There's poetry in there somewhere. I just can't find it.

Anyway, hope you're having a nice holiday weekend. Nicer than this pig at least.


  1. I keep telling PETA that I'm already a vegan--indirectly.

    I mean, most of the animals I eat ate only vegetation, and if they are what they ate, and I ate them...then I ate the vegetation.

  2. It's a Kune kune pig! My favourite pig of all! They are soooo cute :o)

  3. If you read Omnivore's Dilemma, then we're mostly corn.

  4. That pig looks like Ron Perlman.

  5. Please tell me this poor pig is some kind of rare mutation and they're not running around looking like this naturally....

  6. This pig kinda looks like an orc to me.


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