Nov 2, 2008


How does a creature pull off presumed-extinct status? Well, it of course helps to have limited numbers to begin with, and a low birth rate. Add to that residence on an island under international embargo, being nocturnal, and living in burrows, and well, you've got yourself a hard to spot little ugly. I've posted on it before, but it's time to come back for more.

Though of Cuban derivation, the once-thought-extinct almiqui finds its closest relatives in the wilds of Madagascar. Also known as the Cuban Solenodon (sounds more like a dinosaur name to me), this little mammal is shrew-like and only 37 have ever been officially captured (the first one back in the 19th century). But, recent studies have shown that there are still more out there. That's important for Cubans to know, because almiquis are rare among mammals in that they have venomous saliva. Watch out. ¡Un almiqui me mordiĆ³! ¡Quema!

This second picture borders on cute, so I'll move on to the last one.

This specimen was found in the Fire Swamp in the Holguin province of Cuba. Sadly, it was killed after being engulfed in a gout of fire (its slayers were acting in self defense).

Thanks for the solenodon, Jelo.


  1. WTH is that last picture? That's not real is it? I thought it was a screenshot from a movie or something.
    That thing better not be real!

  2. Haha for a second I was terrified before I realized that was from the Princess Bride. I guess it's good you put that in because...well, it IS bordering on cute.

    Btw: Congrats on the new member of your family :D

  3. Looks like they bite too.

  4. Yes! First thing that I thout of was an ROUS. Well done.

  5. haha princess bride! thats lols

  6. Aw! I wanna love it and hug it and kiss it and name it George!

  7. If it didn't have such beady eyes, I'd say it's cute! (the previously extinct thing... not the ROUS!) Such a oddball critter, though.

  8. omg wth?? Looks like something off the Dark Crystal movie.

  9. Thanks, Liz.

    And I like the Skeksi angle. Hadn't thought of that one.

  10. OMG I about lost it when I scrolled down and saw the ROUS. Too funny.


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