Oct 10, 2008

New Layout (Kinda)

I've bitten the bullet and made a few changes to the blog that I've been wanting to do. Namely, I've finally switched over to the new Blogger layout. That's right, I was kicking it old school for quite some time.

What does this mean for you? You'll be able to navigate and search the archives and categories with greater ease (more than a thousand posts, now!). Beyond that not too much. But all this digital housekeeping is making me wonder if I should make more changes. Maybe a new header (one with an amalgum of some of the critters I've posted--maybe not), maybe some new features. I don't know. If you have any suggestions, or even the artistic talent to conjure up a new header, I'm open to new ideas. This blog is for you, afterall.

Please let me know if you come across any dead links or broken areas of the site.

Oh, and feel free to become one of my 'followers' (that sounds so...so...demeaning?). But, I'm stuck with the wording that Blogger uses, so there it is.

Thanks a bunch for visiting. I look forward to many more posts.


  1. You should get yourself a (ugly?) logo :)

  2. i love you

  3. An ugly logo would be great! The header really needs to be changed at the moment, having pixelated text is not cool (but quite ugly).

  4. Looks nice! I mean, looks very similar. I agree, you need a logo. You should have a contest! The prize like, a shirt or something? :D I'd enter!

  5. I'm agree...
    a new logo and a new header would be nice.

  6. I just wanted to say that I just found this site and read through the entire archives at a sitting, and I LOVE IT. You are utterly amazing. I used to read CuteOverload, but I got bored... it's all kitties and doggles! I LOVE the spiders and the slimies and the parasites and that video of the snail with the liver flukes. You are my new hero.

  7. Okay, so maybe this will be much more complicated than I'm imagining it to be, but I like the idea of a banner featuring 3-5 of the top/most representative uglies... and you make a poll post where we can vote for one of 20-30 archived uglies, with a write-in option, or have something where write-ins become part of the ballot... or.. and... um...
    the chinese crested dog should definitely be on the ballot, for contrast to cute overload and all...
    maybe a white tiger, since that seems to be one of the really good causes we've taken up...
    definitely that snail with the eye parasites, because that's pretty gross.

    I don't know! I like the idea of a banner featuring some of our "stars"

  8. and /of course/ we have to have one of Igor's fantastic entomological portraits!

  9. New banner! And I agree, involve your readers in what creatures to include ;)

  10. Yeah, I've got to do something. And I need help. I like the idea of having a contest, or a poll or something. I'll stew on it. Thanks for the kind words, everyone.

  11. I want to do this, but I changed the margins in my old layout to put in bigger pictures, and am not sure I can do the same thing with the new system.

    I know: frightened of change. Maybe it's easier than I think.

  12. Jack - I think the new Blogger layout shrinks or expands the header image to fit the size of 760px.


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