Sep 6, 2008

Flash Spider

Tommy sent along this site. It's a flash spider, and you can manipulate its size, scale, color, etc. You can also drag it around the screen (map of Europe), have it eat insects, and much more. The only thing you can't do is smash it (though you can flee from it--my typical response to spider encounters). This will either be therapeutic to you arachnophobes, or make you get the willies every time you think of your computer monitor.

Enjoy. Thanks, Tommy.


  1. Should I click it for self therapy??
    I'm too scared!

  2. Go on. Don't be afraid. It won't bite.

  3. OMG WOMBAT!!!!!!!!!
    So I click on it with squinty eyes (you know, like how you expect something terrible to happen?) and it loads up and I scream and close the browser. My fiance is used to my weird antics, but this even made him look over. I thought it would be like a pixelated 8-bit spider. No, this is too real and I cannot cope. =( Sorry.

  4. Personally, I like grabbing one of the legs with the mouse, then whapping the spider against the sides of the screen. I wish it would scream or the legs would come off or something, that would be very therapeutic for me...

    Man, I hate spiders...

  5. Those are the only kind of spiders I like, thanks for the link, it's funny to play with the spider :)

  6. I love playing with the size slider. BIG SPIDER! wee spider! This is great!

  7. This is seriously cool. I like that you can also make it jump (press J) and put all its legs in the air (press G). Has anyone figured out anything else cool you can do with it??

  8. This is awesome! I love spiders, and this is really a brilliant job by the creator.
    Wish I could have it as a screen saver.

  9. Kelly...

    Just doubleclick anywhere on the screen to feed the furry bastard :)


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