Jul 23, 2008

Hippos Like to Lick Crocs

I've posted on hippos before. I've posted on crocodiles. But never have I posted on them together. But this video is so much more. Ever wanted to see a hippopatamus lick a crocodile? I know you have, so enjoy.

Thanks for the video, Ida.


  1. OMG! Thats the funniest thing I have ever seen!

    I'm thinking... maybe there's something on the crocs skins (salt?) that the hippo's like and they just lick it off when the crocs are feeding because then they can be sure that the crocs are distracted and won't hurt them...

    (But that babyhippothingy is quite munchable for a croc isnt it?)

  2. Holy crap! That's amazing.

  3. AnonymousJuly 24, 2008

    Rofl.. that was pretty hilarious.
    I was thinking that they were licking salt off as well *shrugs*
    That was pretty funny w/ the baby hippo though. You would think that the crocs would see it as a target, but Momma Hippo was probably close by so nm.
    How huge were some of those crocs though in the background! O_O

  4. Isn't this one of the sequences in Fantasia?

  5. AnonymousJuly 24, 2008

    I sent this link to a friend and she suggested that perhaps nomming on crocodile spines is the hippo equivalant of flossing:

    Hippo mom, "Now Junior, did you nom on a crocodile this morning?"
    Hippo son, "Ahhh.... Mom, do I have to?"
    Hippo mom. "You get right over there little mister and chew on a crocodile! Do you want rotten teeth like poor Uncle Fred? Those lions would have never been able to track him if he hadn't had Gingivitis. Do you want to die, son?"
    Hippo son, "Ahhh.... okay..."

  6. AnonymousJuly 24, 2008

    That is absolutely amazing! I never woulda thunk it true without this vid lol!

  7. AnonymousJuly 26, 2008

    It's the extreme variation on toad-licking.

  8. Really cool! Makes me wonder about animal societies and hierarchies as far as inter-species toleration goes.

    On a side note, anyone know what the animal walking past in the background at 1:22 is? It looks like some sort of very large monkey/small ape (a baboon?) but I really can't tell.

  9. Note that the crocs know better than to mess with the hippo. Hippos? Are TERRIFYING.

  10. Kasey, the animal in the background at 1:22 is a monkey.


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