May 5, 2008

Pudgy Primates

No, these aren't pictures of me (I'm decidedly less hairy) and neither are they of my little brother (he is Gollum-like skinny and is a carnivore). Rather, these are monkeys. To quote:

About 50 Macaca mulatta monkeys at Ohama park in Sakai, Osaka Prefecture have been so overfed by tourists they are now massively overweight.
Some are so fat that they can hardly ambulate or even roll. I can only imagine what state I would be in if I were kept in a compound and visitors threw pizza and glazed donuts at me all day.

I would be happy, that's what I'd be.

Thanks for the article, Tyrel & Ida.

Photo source:


  1. Thats actually kind of sad...

  2. That is so sad...and GROSS! Put these poor creatures on Adkins, STAT!


  3. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    The zookeepers must be pretty ineffectual if they can't either prevent the overfeeding or get off some of the animals' weight through diet and active play.

    And what kind of person would feed an animal when facing the evidence of what harm it has already done? Damn. Just give them a video-game console and a Pizza Hut gift card and be done with it.

  4. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    Wow, these are really massively overfed. It´s kinda revolting that people would still feed them although they look like this. It`s already bad enough that some people overfeed home pets. :(
    I think I´ll have a salad for lunch...

  5. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    I've seen a group shot of these monkeys. Some of them look quite normal. These are probably the more agressive ones that take the food that the visitors 'kindly' give them. These guys are almost 3 times the girth of the normal dudes! And they look like they are melting!

    No, monkeys. No, you cannot has cheezburger.

  6. Actually I think these are temple monkeys - aren't they? I think it's in India where stacks of food are left out for them for religious reasons. I can't be sure of the location though, Cambodia also comes to mind.

    Anyway, some of them get very obese because of the abundance of rich food.

    Yeah, if these were captive someone would need to be fired, like, YESTERDAY.

  7. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    You'd think someone might have noticed a problem, say, when they were merely double their usual size, instead of about triple. Now all I can think of is Jabba the Hutt.

  8. These aren't zoo monkeys...I'm guessing "wildlife park" in Japan means something along the lines of "we found these monkeys here, so we built a park around them and are now charging admission"

  9. AnonymousMay 22, 2008

    The visitors are loving these monkeys to death. Proof positive that junk food will kill you.


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