May 9, 2008

Crab Comparison

Here's what a normal hermit crab looks like (I used to have these as pets as a wee lad). It's something you can pick up with your finger tips. It lives in a borrowed shell. It's claws might pinch you, but it doesn't hurt.

Here's what a coconut crab looks like. These monsters of the Indian and Pacific ocean islands have spurned the shells of their lesser cousins in favor of being able to roam and climb and kill at will. They get up to 4 kg in weight, have enormous legspans, live for 30 - 60 years, and are capable of splitting coconuts with their pinchers.


  1. Those crabs really impress the hell out of me. I'd really like to see one in person. Do any zoos have them as exhibits?

  2. AnonymousMay 09, 2008

    I wish I could write something witty yet insightful about this post. I'll just have to settle with "crustaceans are cool."

  3. i can tell i'm from Baltimore - every time i see one, i wonder how tasty it would be steamed in beer/vinegar, with tons of old bay and rock salt all over it.

    mmmmmmcrustaceans. they're so ugly, but so tasty...

  4. Yeah but coconut crabs are FAR more delicious than a hermit crab could ever be!

    You know, coconut crabs can crush a human skull? That's why you should wear a hat when they are around, so they don't confuse your head for a coconut.

  5. Beautiful coloring... Scary as Hell though.

    I'd love to see a live one, provided there is a thick sheet of tempered glass between us.

  6. Jade -- not yet, as far as I know ... But some day :)

    (I plan to have a zoo in the future -- no kidding! -- and one of our ideas for an exhibit features these guys prominently. They're one of the few things that can creep me out, so of course I HAVE to have some ;) )

    Actually, you know, the second picture looks like it was taken at a zoo, so I guess we won't be the only one. Still, I'VE never seen them at a zoo, so they can't be THAT common. :P

  7. Keep us updated on the progress of that zoo. I'm eager to attend!

  8. well about hermit crabs if they are scared they can hurt you. like one of mine yesterday. i picked him up and he pinched me as hard as he could then suck one of his legs inside my hand... the part of his leg stayed in my hand. it hurt so i screamed and he just held tighter so it hurts. and btw dont call me a wimp im only 13

  9. AnonymousMay 24, 2010

    I grew up in the islands where the coconut crabs are known to be around. The first coconut crab I saw was when I was 12 years old at my relatives house. Yes, it was scary looking at it because it was bigger than a lobster. The Coconut Crab is not nasty at all, actually when you eat the meat it really taste like coconut & the meat is so juicy with the coconut milk. Coconut Crab that I've seen growing up came in maroon color & blue or mix colors...just beautiful colors to look at...

  10. Oh my god these things scare the hell out of me.. I mean can you imagine being attacked by an army of them?? but id still love to go see them in a zoo or something if there was a barrier between us... *shudder*


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