Apr 6, 2008

Popular Fish

Anybody know what kind of fish this is? He's obviously a popular fish, given the following of hundreds of lesser fish swarming about him, and the human paparazzi. A grouper maybe (with his little groupies)? He probably speaks in a husky Sicilian accent and wields tremendous power in the oceanic underworld.

Let me know, you ichthyologists. I offer a $1M prize to the person who identifies him.

UPDATE: Ian and Jim have identified the species. The fish below is a Goliath Grouper. However, no one has identified the individual fish's name (Frank, Harry, Leroy, Amun-Ra, Habakkuk...). So the $1M remains unclaimed.

Photo source: LinkInn.com


  1. I think it's a Dusky Grouper (Epinephelus marginatus), which lives in the Mediterranean sea.

  2. this looks like it's the source of the photo and they say it's a Goliath Grouper:


  3. I don't think those small fish like him very much - probably just trying to stay away from the mouth.

  4. It´s a giant grouper.
    The small fish are pretty clever that they swim behind his head, hehe.

  5. His name is George he says...George the Giant Grouper.
    Please send my one million in silver based coins only..no paper please.
    thanks :P

  6. Winston, is that you?

    (Note my icon!)

  7. Amun-Ra, lol. But oh my god, that thing damn near put the fear of god into me! that is...i am terrified, quite literally bone-shakingly terrified, of something on a tiny computer screen. I never, ever want to see that again.

  8. Yup, Goliath Grouper, previously known as a Jewfish. They can be 600lbs and are pretty lazy. I poked one in the forehead for a while before it even bothered to turn around.

  9. arcsine, what inspired you to poke it in the head for a while? Are you an older brother?

  10. It's Theodore Erasmus Tannor. I went to school with him. And he has a Hebrew accent, not Sicilian.


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