Feb 18, 2008

Sock Puppet Goats

I need some information on these truncated-faced, sock puppet goats. Rachel, who sent me the photos, says that they are possibly an Indian breed. Are there any barnyard hobbyists out there who can identify them?

They look like someone crossed an Irish wolfhound with a goat, then curled their face like you would break in a new baseball mitt.

Thanks, Rachel.

UPDATE: They are a damascene goat.


  1. Okay, so this is cool in the fact that you would never guess that creatures like this actually live on this planet.

  2. Check out:

    This is the Jamunapari,an east Indian dairy goat breed. The undershot upper jaw is a recessive trait (brachygnathia).

    Sorry, this might be a fine creature and an upstanding member of the agricultural community, but it is farkin' ugly. Star Wars cantina ugly.

  3. wow, their heads remind me of a picture I saw in a genetics course of a calf born with some gene defect...the legs didn't work, and the face looked almost exactly like that.

    they look like they were on the receiving end of a horrible goat-car incident.

  4. Oh man, are you sure these aren't offspring of goats originally downwind from Chernobyl? UGH.

  5. That's it. I'm totally gonna steal "Star Wars cantina ugly".

  6. Damascene goat

  7. aaahhhhh-- poor little dudes!!!
    i showed my friend a picture of them and she wouldnt believe they were real-- imagine being that ugly-- poor ittle ugly things!!!!
    i just wanna give them a hug
    or on second thoughts.....

  8. they r Jamunapari goat breeds. i have one pair of Jamunapari. they are indian breed. and they are very good domestic animal. and please never say they r ugly. please

  9. Cool article you got here. It would be great to read more about this topic. Thank you for sharing that data.
    Joan Stepsen
    Computer geek

  10. Mother Nature isn't always kind. These goats may not be pretty, but I'm sure someone loves them. But the ones in these pictures should have some more groceries, and please don't crop their ears half off. That doesn't help their looks.


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