Feb 29, 2008

Sloth in the Box

I've taken loads to the dumpster and encountered both racoons and possums. But never something like this.

This sloth (Bradypus sp.) looks very pleased with himelf, very content in his cardboard box.
These nocturnal creatures are native to Central and South America. They sleep 16 - 20 hours a day, and have the distinction of being the slowest moving mammal, a title I thought I held.

How slow moving are they? They're so slow moving that algae grows on them (I grow moss myself). This algae serves as camoflage as they clamber about the treetops in search of leaves. They are remarkable climbers, awful walkers, but adept swimmers. And they have one last trick up their sleeves (aside from those claws). They can turn their head 270 degrees.

Nothing in their species profile indicates a proclivity for living in boxes.

Photo source: Knuttz.net


  1. Nope, not ugly ... insanely cute! Kind of resembles Mr. Waldorf from the Muppets too!

  2. Definitely cute! I love sloths!

  3. OMG this is sooo cute.. I love how UglyOverload surprises me now an then! I'll forward the url to cuteoverload.com if you like!


    Sloths rule supreme!

  4. Well, you can have cats in boxes and sinks, why not sloths? There was a beautiful article about them on a biology mailing list I'll try to dig up. They're truly extraordinary animals.

  5. Nothing freaks me out more than a sloth.... Ugh...

  6. adorable!!!!

  7. Last weekend I went to the Como Zoo Conservatory which features a sloth. Its funny because the other animals living in the new Rainforest Room are behind glass (the giant anaconda for example). However, the sloth is totally out in the open; no cage or pit or antying. He's just snoozing in a tree doing his impresion of a badly designed wig. He is still awesome. Anyway, its nice to see a sloth up close in this photo. I think he is very cute.

    Sherry at SofN

  8. Sloths would normally have my cute vote... if not for those three (or two, sometimes) freakisly long nails. It's like a bad Freddy movie. Plus, I think they all need nose jobs. They look a bit like the ugly muppets.

  9. aw, he's a cutie.

  10. There is nothing ugly about a sloth! Sloths are infinitely preeshious. And they make cool sounds.

  11. Nope, not ugly ... insanely cute! Kind of resembles Mr. Waldorf from the Muppets too!

  12. Aww, he's cute.. he looks so happy in his cardboard box.

  13. What a legend - coolest little dude ever. Look at him - just hangin out in his box, loving life. What a legend.

  14. AnonymousMay 24, 2010

    too cute :)


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