Jan 8, 2008

Spider and Brood

I've still got a long way to go to be able to ID spiders with any accuracy (I can usually spot wolf spiders, daddy-long-legs, jumpers, and orb weavers, that's about it). But this blog has given me something of an education. What do you think, spider fans, is this a huntsman spider and brood?

One this is for sure: if I spotted this in my house, there would be a yellow spot on the carbpet beneath my comatose body.

Thanks for the photo, Christie!


  1. I love tarantulas and all, but I would be seriously freaked out if I saw this in my house. And I own a 9 foot snake!! **shivers**

  2. I opened the site, scrolled down... *gasp!!!* I mean... did u have to post this one without any warnings? Jees...

    (crawls into a corner, rocking back and forth while mumbling comforting words)

  3. Yeah, gets an Eeek out of me, too.

    But I'll tell you what's worse -- a ceiling with a similar number of full-grown cockroaches, who all RUN when you turn on the light.

    Bomb-proofed me for life, it did. After I stopped screaming....

    Good times, good times.

  4. I'm having trouble guessing the scale here. The adult looks gigantic, but how big is it really?

  5. Absolutely 100% huntsman spider, and quite a nice looking mama.

    Wombat- I've actually had that scene in my house in and out of cages several times. That said, I grew up in Florida. ;)

  6. todd- She's probably about 3-4 inches in leg span.

  7. **shudder** Now you've got me looking in every corner and just WONDERING what is under the dresser....thanks.

  8. If you put the spiders together with the cockroaches, it might solve the roach problem.

  9. Jade- Ugh, Florida. I remember crawling on the floor because I was pretending to be a tiger, around one or two AM. There was a dark spot on a plastic bag, and I merely assumed it was some shadow from somewhere. When I put my hand onto the edge of the bag, the dot suddenly MOVED and scurried to the bottom of the couch, which was right next to me. I screamed and jumped onto the couch before it could touch me, and I stayed there the rest of the night watching the floor. :l

  10. Uggh, the spiders are gross!!!! gross, gross!

  11. that is so...there isnt even a word. the english language does not posess the capacity to acurrately describe how disgusting and and wrong that is. i just...i can't go on.

  12. I love it when spider egg sacs hatch in the spring! I can sit all day and watch them float away on the breeze. Baby spiders are cute!

  13. See, I think spiders and their ilk are just gorgeous. Beautiful physics-in-motion kind of kinetic sculpture that's alive. And this big guy (well, lady)...WOW! I'd much rather have a bunch of these around my house than cockroaches ANY day. - Pj

  14. tewtally creepy if in my house, ick!

    I too hate when the shadows move, before the centipedes came in rest assured it was a roach that was big enough to strap to my shoe and use as a cool new mobility device.

    Now it's just the damn centipedes in hordes in my closet. . .

  15. i'm okay with the momma, but all the tiny babies creep me out.

  16. spiders + gasoline + match = no more nightmares about this photo

  17. i think its awesome. you know, maybe not one so big in MY house, but its kinda cool.

    what really concerns me here is somewhere around there had to have been a huge daddy spider...

  18. well let me say that that is not the spider I would want in MY house!! I dont think it is a huntsman as it is black and huntsmans are brouwn or grey!

    love you all spider freeks!!

  19. Jeanie, the daddy is lots smaller than the mommie.

    I have an almost overwhelming urge to go out and hunt down a 10 gauge scatter gun and blast my monitor with it after seeing that horrible monster!

    The rule at my house is: No spider can live.

  20. while doing an arachnid search for my mom, came across this lovely pic. Needless to say, my 22 & 19 yr old daughters & I are officially creeped out! We see spiders that look like those little guys all the time, but I think I would MOVE OUT if we saw one the size of Mama!

  21. I live in north Australia with these things, they like my house when it heats up, and the one in the photo looks about 10-20cm long, but I just found one in my laundry twice the size -__- which prompted me to look it up. I will not be sleeping tonight!! especially after reading about huntsman spiders and how protective they are of their young or egg sac :-/


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