Dec 15, 2007

Turn Away

Mary, a Floridian zookeeper, has forwarded me a cache of wonderful photos of her wards. This is the first installment.

Some of you more modest types (such as myself) may want to look away. What you're looking at is a pair of komodo dragons about to be intimate. Isn't that tender? Soon, if their rumpus proves to be fruitful, we'll have another batch of gigantic lizards with lethal drool and hunter's instincts.

Thanks for the photos, Mary. I hope the dragons didn't mind your intrusion.


  1. I've always wanted one of these guys as a pet. Best guard animal ever.

  2. Birds do it, bees do it, even Komodo dragons do it....

  3. Is that the female komodo on the bottom? She's pretty; I think it's how the light reflects off her eyes.

    Who knew porn of uncharismatic animals could be so cute?

  4. Jade, me too, me too. Just imagine taking it for a walk, some guy wants to show off his mean "fighting dog", and...oopsie, it gets eaten by your pet komodo dragon.

  5. *hands the two a pair of cigerettes and some water...*



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