Dec 3, 2007

I Just Don't Understand

I'm not an anthrophobe (unlike some of you). Quite the opposite--I tend to like people, especially the ones that will tolerate me (though, those are admittedly few in number).

But, in the end, I guess there are a lot of people I just don't understand. Such as the person who dresses up a monkey like I might dress one of my daughters, or the person who dresses up a demon cat like my grandma.

Photo soure: LinkInn


  1. *sigh*

    It makes it very hard for advocates of responsible exotic animal ownership (like me! Woo) to make a case when there are people out there who like to dress monkeys in cute little outfits.

    Then again, that "traditional pet" cat is dressed up too ... Which seems somehow even less appropriate. (Not that dressing up a monkey is appropriate.)

    Especially given that cat's RAGING masculinity ... O.o

    I put a miniature hat on my cat once. Then I put the same hat on my Burmese python. Then I decided the whole thing was too silly.

  2. The monkey looks like a little old lady. Kinda scary. It also looks like it's ready to go postal.

    As for the Demon cat check out those eye and his little "finger" joints. Demon cat is right (this music be a Riddikulus charm from Harry Potter.)

  3. *runs away screaming*

    Not fair Wombat, NOT FAIR! I have to be phobic about something after all. :p And most apes actually CAN hurt you as opposed to most, uhm, let's say SPIDERS. :p lol

    And, like k said... the worst thing about naked animals is that their junk is so "out there." Put the poor think in a sweater and it's just wrong on so many levels that it should be illegal.

  4. Actually, you *have* to dress up the hairless cats, because they can't keep warm otherwise.

    But that outfit is really awful. Not to mention that it leaves the poor guy's cojones out in the cold...

  5. Um, yeah. The cat needs pants.

  6. Or a well placed fig leaf...

    Looks like the same 'artist' knitted the monkey's foot socky things. Yikes! All very disturbing.

    Sherry at SofN

  7. Geez, it even looks like they used the same yarn!

  8. I like how you write. It's very amusing. Also, I'd have to admit that the monkey is pretty adorable as awful as that outfit may be. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for the hairless cat, but... someone's got to love him and maybe it's easier to love such a scary looking creature when one dresses it in something that looks cute to them? Eh, I'm trying to be positive.

  9. Demon cat is not amused.


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