Nov 14, 2007

Cute as Its Going to Get

Theodosia recommended that I dig up a good photo of a baby vulture. I did do some digging, and came up with this one. I don't believe it is a chick, it might even be full grown, but this might be about as cute as a vulture is ever going to get. Unless I am wrong, and I am never wrong, this looks like it is a hooded vulture.

Photo source:


  1. Aw, it looks like a cross between Beaker and the buzzard in old Warner Bros cartoons.

  2. Whose dee cwute widdle winkwy-skinned widdle carrion eater? WHOSE IS IT?

  3. Awwwwwww!

    Does anyone else want to stuff gobbets of decayed squirrel into his little beak?

  4. I'm so with you on that one theodosia! :) Who could resist, really?! Parental instinct can take many forms, really. :p

  5. Absolutely adorable!!!

    It's amazing to imagine what they become...yikes! Talk about giving the puppy when it grows up to be too big!


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