Oct 30, 2007

Don't Let Me Down

Igor has let me use several of his photos. In appreciation of his generosity, I would like to call upon you arachnophiles to help him identify this spider.

Anybody got a clue as to what it might be? I'm seeing some long, prickly legs, oversized mandibles, and evil, beady eyes. I know, that sounds like most spiders, but those colors on the abdomen look like the hallmark of the [BLANK] spider, wouldn't you say?

Come on people, don't let me down.

Photo source: Igor Siwanowicz


  1. some species of Tailless whip scorpion, aka the "whip spider". I have NEVER seen one so colorful though!! Where'd you find it Igor?


  2. Mandibles from hell!! It's got pretty colors, though.

  3. This looks like a spider from the family Tetragnathidae--the long-jawed orb weavers. Their chelicerae and bodies have a very distinctive, elongated shape. I can't find a specific species that matches this one's coloration, though.

  4. Good call Erin!

    Did Igor give you a clue as to wehre the photo was taken? I'm looking at Tetragnath species but... if this baby's from the tropics I'd look at different lists. :)

    If anyone can get it down to species it'll be Jade.

  5. OOhh - sorry to double post but the coloring on the abdomen does shout "flower ambush," to me. that may actually help. Good thought Wombat! ;)

  6. Erin's about as close as I could get, I think. Neat looking critter, though!

    Thanks for the compliment, arachnophile :)

  7. Hey, I had to hope someone could do it. ;)

    Sadly, keying these guys out to species often involves a dissecting scope and a "map" of those huge "jaws." I hope Igor realizes that it's entirely acceptable to list it as a [i]Tetragnatha sp.[/i] is scientifically acceptable. There aren't very many specialists out there that can get down to the species level. You should see the papers describing any new species - SUPER detailed.

    The only other suggestion I can make is the "What's That Bug?" guy. He seems to either know almost everything and anything he doesn’t know, he has contacts in the the biz who can figure it out. :)

    That coloring is like no other Tetragnath I've laid eyes on so far though. SOMEONE has to know!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Okay, hours later, I may have had a breakthrough. Please observe Tetragnatha ZZ071 as shown on this page of Australian spiders:

    click here

    I realize the “jaws” appear a LOT larger in Igor’s picture but the orientation of the shot of ZZ071 is kind of masking them. The spider at the bottom of the page could be close too.

    So while I may not have found the species name, I MAY, have found someone who can tell us, that is IF Igor snapped this pic in Australia... Perhaps it's not even named yet?! An email has been sent. I hope they respond. It could all be a wild goose chase. ;) It beats sleeping.

    Sorry I've over-commented on this post but the answer was bugging me.

  10. Arachnophile, you are amazing.

  11. Nope, just sleep-deprived. ;)

    Here's the quote the researcher who took the picture of T. ZZ071:

    "Your spider is a Tetragnatha but I also can not find a picture in any book or internet site to give it her species name"

    He also commented on the tendancy to want to pull one's hair out when it comes to keying out spiders to species.

    Not eve the Tree of Life site has anything on this genus!


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