Sep 9, 2007

Ankole Cattle

You're looking at a herd of ankole cattle, native to East and Central Africa. They are known for their gentleness, rich milk, and tasty meat...and of course, for becoming increasingly endangered due to human encroachment into their habitat. I'd be willing to take a few in to help preserve them. But I'm afraid of those horns. My fleeing bum wouldn't survive an encounter with them.

Photo source: Yahoo!


  1. What I'd like to know is what evolutionary quirk has caused these guys to retain such massive and scary looking horns. I mean they're cattle, not dinosaurs....

  2. Good thing they're gentle...

  3. Tilt those horns outward a little, and you have your average denizen of our local pastures here in Texas. In fact, Longhorns have Ankola in their bloodline!


  4. Parachutists better watch out!

  5. I was wondering if they had something to do with longhorns -- they also seem to have the long, narrow faces of a longhorn. Thanks for the info, denita!

  6. I think those are watusi cattle...


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