Aug 7, 2007

Rare Cuban

This one comes from our friends over at Zooillogix (I recommend checking out their site, people!). You're looking at a creature thought to be extinct. The Cuban Solenodon is a rare Cuban indeed. Only 36 have ever been captured in over 140 years. Let's see ... that works out to about, hmm ... an average of ... not many at all.

Though very rare, this mammal (which resembles a shrew, but is more closely related to the Tenrecidae of Madagascar) keeps out of sight by being a nocturnal burrower. It's usually for the best when rare animals maintain a low profilet: they're less likely to be wiped out.

Thanks for the photo, Andrew. I'm going to cancel my vacation to Havannah now. The US State Department will be so disappointed.


  1. Unusual among mammals because its saliva is venomous...

  2. Reminds me of ROUS' (Rodents of Unusal size) from the Princess Bride because of the shear nastiness emanating from this animal.

  3. Thanks for the plug Wombat.

  4. That is easily one of the coolest looking creatures I've ever seen. It also introduced me to a whole new branch of our mammal family I'd never heard of before. This is a GOOD day.

  5. this critter reminds me of the troll from Cat's Eye for some reason- i think its the teeth O_o


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