Apr 29, 2007

Very Little Resemblance

I know that monkeys are supposed to be very close relatives to humans, but I'm seeing very little proof of that here.

Unless, of course, Don King got himself a grill with some fangs on it. Then I can see the resemblance. But I did specify human, not evil-boxing-promoter.

UPDATE: Zanna has identified this as a gelada monkey. Lovely.

Photo source: Knuttz.net


  1. AnonymousMay 01, 2007

    Aaaaahhhhh!!!!! Oh my God! What the heck is wrong with him? That's horrible!!!

  2. AnonymousMay 03, 2007

    This photo, for the first time, made me wonder if monkeys get boogers.

  3. Oh! The National Geographic scary baboon photo! Nightmare central, dudes.

  4. Oh, actually is a gelada baboon.

  5. This just confirms all of my fears and my deep, er, respect for the whole baboon arm of the primate family.


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