Mar 3, 2007


Amphisbaenians have become one of my favorite guests on Ugly Overload. This two-legged variety is known as the baja worm lizard (bipes biporus) They are known as ajolote in their native Baja California, Mexico.

There is a legend among some of the locals that if a person sits on the ground, one of these may burrow up from the ground and enter his/her digestive tract via the...well, you get the idea. That puts kind of a dark spin on the family picnic. Stay on the benches kids. You wouldn't want an ajolote climbing up your culo.

Photo courtesy: Blue Chameleon Ventures


  1. Aside from the terrible DOOM claws, and the weird wrinkly back, the overly large nostrils... and the fact it only has two legs... it's kinda cute. Kinda. Microscopically.

  2. i really, really agree. his stubby little arms are the best. plus, it looks like he stole them from a nearby mole.

  3. Agreed, kinda cute.

  4. Awww, it's so little and adorable! The critter's wonderful - but the legend's just nasty.

  5. i love you. you worked in ajolotes and the word "culo". i'm spent.

    - ariana

  6. Just when I thought I'd seen everything... seriously. ;) I love eet! He looks positively irridescent too. Is that jsut the picture?

  7. I looked at the picture, thought that Justin had lost his mind, and then read the discription. Now all I can saw is, "Ew!" Even if the thing looks kinda cute, he belongs on Ugly Overload because of the nasty work he does!


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