Feb 8, 2007

Synchronicity & the Abyss

In an eerie example of synchronicity, just as I was preparing this post on the goblin shark, Miss Cellania fired off an email to me, recommending that I post on the goblin shark (cue Twilight Zone theme). Ugly is a poweful force in the universe...

...back to the goblin shark...

Often called a living fossil (like every other fish or reptile seems to be called), this fish dwells at depths of 1200 meters. The particular fish you are looking at was on display at the Tokyo Sea Life Park last month.

Once again, I reaffirm my belief that abyssal creatures are nearly always abonimable (looks-wise, at least). The Abyss, had it all wrong, with their ethereal and benevolent sea creatures.

Photo courtesy: Yahoo!


  1. The Jimmy Durante of sharkdom...maybe not a living fossil, but perhaps a living vaudevillian.

    "Good night, Mrs. Calamari, whereever you are."

  2. You've noticed the living fossil thing too? I've got it for the lungfish, the tuatara, and the sturgeon. They're just old lineages, people.

  3. And as a bonus, there's the crustacean in the corner! Two uglies for the price of one!

  4. I don't remember the name exactly but they found a shark like this a few days ago in Japan. It died a few days after being captured.


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