Jan 23, 2007

Baldwin for Sale

Chrissie has tapped into a veritable font of ugly animals, and she's struck gold with this one.

Behold the Baldwin Guinea Pig. This is one of two hairless guinea pig breeds, the other one being called a Skinny Pig. These rare critters come with a hefty price tag, upwards of $150.00!

"But wait," you say, "this one has some hair left on it!" Never fear. All that useless hair will eventually fall out, leaving the rodent perfectly hairless. They evidently make for great pets, so have at it, people. Just make sure you purchase from ethical breeders; breeding for very narrow genetic traits can be a difficult and sad process (for the animals involved, that is).

Thanks for the photo, Chrissie.


  1. It looks like a rotten kiwi with legs. Yick...

  2. I'm a big fan of rodents. I've kept rats and mice. Baby rodents make me go "squee." This little guy, though? He ain't got no alibi.

  3. Salutations de Genève !

  4. Awww.. I think it's cute! All wrinkley and eyes all squinty!

  5. It needs a rider a la a Frank Frazetta painting. Preferably an orc, or large horned Viking.

  6. Jack, that is hilarious! I would love to see that one photoshopped...

  7. it looks like this guy i knol... his name is Moe Salem.. he thinks he's cool but he doesn't go the balls to b cool lolzz

  8. i swear i've seen this person before.. i think he goes to my school.. oh i kno!! it's SALEM!!!

  9. i wanna do that small rodent kiwi with legs and a hairy ass even if ppl think it's me

  10. The picture above is not a pic of a Baldwin guinea pig, but one of a skinny guinea pig. A Baldwin guinea pig looks just like a normal guinea pig when born but starts losing his hair at his nose and so on to his back.



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