Dec 11, 2006

Ugly Chick

Some baby animals are so cute, you wish they would stay babies, like kittens and puppies. But baby birds? Don't think so. Thank goodness featherless chicks come with a promise to become something much more visually appealing.

Is it even possible to identify the species of bird from this picture? I'm thinking it's a cockatoo. They tend to have the ugliest chicks.

Thanks for the photo, Fredda.

Photo courtesy:


  1. UGH...looks like a small version of a Vulture. I sure don't know the kinda bird that is...

  2. Now that you mention it, don't almost all chicks (still featherless) look quite a bit like vultures. This may be a scientific breakthrough!

  3. This bird can have a little sickness. you people jst dont like them you think y'all look good!!!

  4. No, that chick is perfectly healthy. Settle down. I don't think this chick needs you getting offended for it. It can't read.

  5. Hey if you want to pick on ugly baby animals you should do a poll and see if the Juannie baby is cuter then the baby panda bear when they are all naked and pink.

  6. It's a cockatiel. I've hatched several.

  7. It looks like some sort of space alien at the moment. Yeow. That's really *not* cute. At least, not to me.

  8. i wonder what it would feel like to be born and not be able to open your eyes. like have a layer of flesh covering your eyes. poor things.

  9. Yeppers that is indeed a cockatiel!

  10. It would be... OK looking... GOD FORGIVE ME FOR SAYING THAT... if it had normal eyes and uncreepy hands


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