Dec 28, 2006

Score One for the Lizards

Betsy took this photo of a land iguana while visiting the Galapagos Islands. These lizards are the red-headed step child of the Galapagos; their marine relatives get all the love and attention.

Even Darwin had his hater goggles on when he commented on them: "...they are ugly animals, of a yellowish orange beneath, and of a brownish-red colour above: from their low facial angle they have a singularly stupid appearance." Sheesh, Charles. Take it easy! But the iguanas got him back. At one point, he couldn't find a place to pitch his tent because of their ubiquitous burrows. Score one for the lizards.

Thanks for the photo, Betsy.


  1. But it's not ugly, it radical!

  2. I wonder if Darwin ever used that word.

  3. Hey, that looks a lot like some of my pictures...
    I didn't think they were particularly ugly, but I think I've grown immune to that sort of thing.

  4. Immune to ugly, Garfman? Then I am going to have to up my game.


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