Dec 2, 2006

No More Fishing for Me

If I caught this while fishing I would drop my pole and abandon the sport forever. Can you imagine looking down your line and seeing one of these things looking back at you? Man am I glad these suckers stay in the deep sea.

By the way, can anyone identify it for me?

Thanks for the photo, Peer.


  1. The way the left fin is splayed out (like toesies), it looks like the thing is evolving right before your eyes!
    I have no idea what this is, other than ugly...

  2. Well, heck, when I went to save this picture (yeah, I have no life), I noticed that it's called a "lumpfish." They are commonly known as lumpfish (lovely) or lumpsuckers (even more lovely). The family name is Cyclopteridae, meaning "circle fin." I think something got lost in the translation. According to the Wikipedia entry, it also inflates as a defense mechanism; I think this one is racheting up its PSIs.

  3. You're right, it is evolving. Look at those feet! Abandoning it in the water may not be an option.

    But what beautiful, expressive eyes!

  4. Egad! It looks like a fish out of a Grimm's fairytale. "Hey, buddy - don't kill me! I'll give ye a wish!"

  5. I didn't think it was actually called a lumpfish. That's me being presumptive and lame.

    If it is evolving onto land, then I will have to evolve some wings to take to the skies.

  6. It looks like a "smooth lumpsucker" to me. The pelvic fins are modified into a "suction cup" like disc. I'm not sure where this was caught, but I've seen lots in the Bering Sea.

  7. Beware! It´s a Deep One! Dagon Rlyeh Pthlui! Cthulhu Eaaaaghh! Yog-Sothoth!

  8. Looks like the Bank Manager who's about to turn down your loan application.

  9. I'm glad you all know your lump fish better than me. My knowledge is woefully inadequate.

  10. It looks a heck of a lot like the creature from the Black Lagoon to me.

  11. Xan, you're right. Kickin' it old school. I like it.

  12. This lumpfish is fat.

  13. AnonymousJuly 03, 2007

    seriously that thing is FREAKY!!!!!!! That is soooo not kosher dude!

  14. AnonymousJune 27, 2008

    I read somewhere that this was a blob sculpin fish, but I'm not sure if I'm entirely correct at classifying it that.

  15. They're actually pretty cute when they're babies.

  16. It's a Blobfish (seriously). Scientific name: Psychrolutes marcidus. They are currently facing extinction due to deep-sea fishing. Poor little guys can't help the way they lokk!


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