Mar 10, 2006

Hooray for Horray

One of our readers, Melissa, sent me this photo. Turns out one of her friends who works in animal control and (coincidentally) in my hometown, found this huge and ugly bat. I've seen dogs smaller than this winged spawn of Satan, and now I find out that they are living in my neighborhood!

It is a Horray bat, and this specimen is twice the size of the typical Mexican Freetails she comes across. This particular bat had to be euthanized for rabies control. Still, I will never go outside at night again.

Thanks Melissa and Shala.


  1. Hooray! Bat!

  2. Good Job Shala! You are very brave to catch one that big. Let's hope that you don't have any dreams about vampires! Keep up the good work. We are proud of Animal Control Officers like you.


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