Photo source: Discovery

According to Mrs. Rutkowski, these three bats (Wahlberg's epauleted bat, the Honduran white, and the gray-headed flying fox) are good examples of megabats (UPDATE: it turns out that the Honduran white is NOT a megabat. But I'll leave it here to the comments make sense).
Booge asked that I post on the marsupial mole, and I aim to please.
I'll let you sort out the theme of this post. The participants: a skink, a snake, a tapir, and an okapi.
Sean McCann took this photo of a female spider monkey in Nouragues, French Guiana. Wikipedia states that the spider monkey has recently garnered the title of the most intelligent of the New World monkeys. They are also the largest New World monkey (or among the largest)with those oversized (ergo spider) limbs.
Photo source: straubin1I never ever get to post on wolves, and for good reason. So I decided to cheat by getting wolves at their nastiest.
Photo source: Willie StarkMandrill's are the world's largest monkeys and arguably the world's most colorful mammals. They are blessedly shy and reclusive...blessedly because I know that the branch it is gnawing could easily be my forearm.
Photo source: John & FishAs a father of multiple children, I know exactly how the parents of this brood feel. Harrassed, weary, frazzled. But when it's all said and done, it's still adorable. Besides, a child with an appetite is usually a healthy child.
Behold the common adder, the common viper, the European adder, Vipera berus, whatever you want to call it. They range from Western Europe all the way to the Far East. They aren't particularly dangerous or large. But what they lack in impressive stats, they make up for in shear frequency (many, many thousands of bites are recorded each year).
This photo has been featured all over the place, like the Encyclopedia of Life and Science Daily. It's a cropped image that Matt took of his European green toad (Bufo viridis).
Photo source: GearFuse.comPrepare for one of the coolest names you'll ever find in biology: Draco volans. This means flying dragon in Latin, and the gliding lizards of Southeast Asia are the happy recipient of such an august name.
Photo source: PIERRE94Look closely and try to determine what manner of creature that orange blob is. Is it a soft coral? Perhaps a misshapen echinoderm? Is it some weird growth?
Usually when I get really scared, I feel an increased urge to ... use the facilities. But what happens when you're actually using the facilities, and a huntsman spider clambers up the bathroom wall a mere three feet from you? It's one of those cosmic paradoxes which for me threatens the Space-Time Continuum itself.
Photo source:
I've never seen a guy so eager to get his hands a boiling pot, and some butter and garlic.Behold the armored head of North America's largest turtle. The alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) weighs in on average at 100 kg (220 lbs). But back in 1937 a 403 lbs turtle was reportedly found in the Neosho River in Kansas.
If you have ugly animal images - be they your own pets, or images you found online - or if you have a request for certain animals you want to see profiled, let us know. Email us at ragingwombat at gmail dot com.